Friday, February 24, 2012

How to make a Lavender Relaxing Eye Pillow

This is a great pillow to make if you have trouble sleeping or frequent headaches. Lavender is known to ward off anxiety, calm your nerves, relax your mind and reduce headaches. Not to mention it is just a completely dreamy wonderful scent!

Making a lavender eye pillow: Materials: lavender (1 cup) Flax seeds ( you can also use rice which is what I will be using for this tutorial.) Satin (a silky, cool fabric works best but you can use organic cotton or any other fabric)   Cut your satin into a a rectangle (10x4 but you can modify this to any length) 

Turn fabric right sides together and sew with a 1/4 seam allowance. Leave a two inch opening.

This is what you should have!

Turn fabric inside out. Stuff with lavender and flax seed (or rice) but only fill half way. You do not want to over stuff your pillow. OPTIONAL STEP: stuff the lavender in muslin tea bags or you can make your own out of tulle or netting. Hand sew the opening and ta da!!!!!!! You've made a wonderful, relaxing, lavender eye pillow! Enjoy!! :) 

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